Barkley is a 7 month old female English Cream Golden Retriever. Just before Christmas, her former Alabama moved out of their house and left her behind. Thanks to a very observant neighbor Barkley was saved. The neighbor took her to the vet, got her a bath, spayed and of her all vaccines. Her plan was to keep her but with Barkley’s hips she knew that she couldn’t risk the expense of future surgery. So she asked us to take her. We immediately took her to a doggy orthopaedist who took more Xrays. Barkley may or may not need hip surgery in the future. Her hips are not completely formed at this age. It was agreed that Barkley would benefit from extensive swim therapy and Snowflake our wonderful Great Pyrenees agreed to sponsor her for that ($300). The swimming will build hip muscle. We needed to find a special family for this girl that would continue her therapy. After a little time our persistance paid off. Barkley (now Bailey) has a terrific new family with a stay-at-home mom, two young boys to help look after, a great dad, a big golden brother and her very own swimming pool. Bailey will continue her therapy for the next few weeks and then she’ll continue to use her new pool. Her big golden brother will teach her about the pool and dad’s an exercise nut, so he’ll make sure she gets all the training she needs.