12/28 GO TO THE GAZETTE FOR OUR BOY’S LATEST. 12/24 UPDATE: Buddy ate a cheeseburger today and is up and wagging his tail. BUDDY is going home to his family and Bebe tonight, Christmas Eve. His doctor believes he has turned the corner and is going to make it. He has to go back to the vet in 48 hours to get another blood test but everyone is saying this is a real miracle! Thank you all for saving Buddy’s life!! 12/22 UPDATE: WE THINK BUDDY IS GOING TO MAKE IT. HE HAS RECEIVED A LOT OF BLOOD BUT HE WAS UP TODAY AND EATING! HE CERTAINLY IS NOT OUT OF THE WOODS YET, BUT KEEP PRAYING FOR HIM. AND, THANK YOU FOR THE DONATIONS. YOUR MONEY IS SAVING HIM!! UPDATE: Buddy is still very sick as you can see in this new photo. Blood tests will be done tomorrow to determine if his second blood transfusion is helping him. We want to thank all of you who have donated money to give him this chance. In less than 24 hours we have raised nearly $2,000. We are nearly half way there. We will update you as soon as we know on Saturday. BACKGROUND: Buddy of “BeBe and Buddy” is seriously ill. Buddy had only been in his forever home several days when he suddenly developed a serious, life threatening condition called Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP). In ITP, for reasons that are not known, the immune system attacks and destroys a blood cell required for blood to clot. Buddy’s count was very low and as a result he was bleeding internally. He was taken to Georgia Veterinary Specialist on Monday where he is receiving intensive treatment. He has also received two blood transfusions to keep him stable until the medication takes effect. Just like human blood donors, GVS has a list of dogs whose owners bring them in to donate blood so their ailing canine friends can be transfused. We are hopeful that the medication Buddy is receiving will soon take effect and he will have a complete recovery. In the meantime, we need help to pay for his mounting bills. His adoptive family is a young couple who does not have the resources to pay his bills. So, we have stepped in. To date, his bill is $4,500. Each blood transfusion costs $1,000 and without those, he would die. The next few days will determine if Buddy will survive. Please help us because we have to try. He is only 5 years of age and can have a good quality of life if this can be cured. We will keep trying until his vets tell us the odds are no longer in his favor but rest assured we will not stop because of money. Please help us try to save Buddy. Please make a donation today. (You can read his happy story under Adoptees).