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Cabot was found on a highway and rescued by a kind man who stopped his car and immediately took him to the emergency clinic. Cabot had a rusty chain collar on and no tags. He had neck and face wounds. We later heard that coyotes had been sighted in the area. Cabot appeared to have had a hard life – his coat was like straw and he has calluses on his elbows – a sure sign that he has endured many hours on concrete. We think he is about 7 and a real sweetie pie. Cabot was adopted but when his parents got a divorce no one got custody of him, so we took him back. It didn’t take Cabot long to wiggle his tail into a new forever family, and he found a great one. Now Cabot has a stay at home mom, two boys to help raise, and a pool to swim in on those hot Atlanta days. Cabot is one lucky guy. Not only does he now have a wonderful mom and dad to love, Cabot also has a golden sister, Lily, and a Newfoundland puppy to keep him on his paws. Cabot has traveled a long hard road but we can all rest assure that from here on out Cabot will be living a golden life with a great forever family!