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This is Charles, a 2.5 year old purebred male golden. His previous owners took him to the shelter because he kept jumping a 4 ft fence. Unfortunately, the subdivision wouldn’t let them to build a taller fence. The shelter called us and we went immediately. He is such a sweet dog and we think it’s he charm and the goofy things he does that made mom and dad fall in love. One of his favorite things to do is to hug people when he meets them… meaning he will jump up and actually wrap his paws around you. He know, it’s bad for dogs to jump – but who can resist a sweet golden hug? Obviously mom and dad can’t. Charles will be living in the lap of luxury, he’ll have all the spoils a golden boy desires – treats, balls and headrubs! Mom will be around all day to make sure of it and what mom can’t deliver dad certainly will. And Charles has a new sister – a cute smaller dog named Lilly. These two are sure to be smitten with one another. So now this charmer will learn how to hug Lilly – but no matter what, we know that he’ll never forget how to hug his people!