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Cooper is a 2 year old purebred male golden who was turned into a shelter in Tennessee because his family could no longer care for him. So we rushed to get him because we new that we could find a new family that would be just the perfect fit for our Cooper. However, first we had to help this guy become healthy – unfortunately, Cooper had heartworms and needed a sponsor to pay for his medical treatment ($500). Well, a very kind lady stepped forward to help Mr. Cooper and is now his guardian golden angel. His new family consists of….. mom, dad and their two kids and their miniature horse and their two small dogs (Checkers and Raisin) and their two bunnies. Talk about a happy house full! Cooper will have a lot of land in which to roam and a pool to swim in daily. On his first visit, Cooper saw the pool and jumped right in! The kids loved it and Cooper was home! His new parents are previous adopters of our Taylor (renamed Baxter) when they lost their beloved golden, Jackson. They had Baxter for 7 years and recently lost him and their home was empty without a golden. Cooper is exactly what they needed and vice versa. He has a stay at home mom and the kids home for the summer – looks like a pool party is coming up…