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Crosby is a little purebred male golden who came to us from a South Carolina small dog rescue group. He was so small that it took awhile to figure out he really was a golden retriever. We went to pick him up and found him shivering in an outdoor pen all by himself. When he saw the kind lady we sent, he told her he was ready to go. So off they went and Crosby just loved riding in the car. We found that he wasn’t the bravest boy but that was OK because we knew those turn out to be the loyalest. Back to his story … after his vet visit we drove to his foster home. As soon as we arrived, we heard “ooooh, he is sooooo cute.” We just had this feeling we were about to lose another foster to the charms of a golden. It didn’t take long after Mom fell head over heels, then Dad was sold and then Tucker – a golden/spaniel mix just Crosby’s size. Best friends meant to be! This holiday season, Crosby is going to visit grandad up in Rhode Island. Grandad has a boat and guess what Crosby is getting for Xmas? His very own life jacket! But Crosby knew his life was saved the day his Mom opened the porch door and said “come in and stay awhile Crosby.” He did and it sure is good to be home.