I am SO excited to tell you my good news! In all my 7 years I never got to live inside. I had a pen which is not a good life for any dog. It’s sad and lonely and boring and no one plays with you and you think you’ll never get out. Finally though, I did get out. My owner needed to find me a new home and my first lucky break ever was for me to be sent to AGA. When I got there I had a foster that let me live inside (that’s an AGA rule- no outside dogs)! Now I am adopted and in my own new home that I never have to leave. It’s called a farm and there are big things named “horses” and some cats and an old gentleman dog that is very short. You should see those little legs! He told me that some of his relatives have been dogs of royalty- I don’t exactly know what that means- but he is very proud of that. Mom and dad mostly stay home so we all have lots of company and the best part is that I have my own place INSIDE the house. Mom also helps people whose dogs go to be angels I know that’s a big help to all the lonesome people. Maybe someday some of them will want to help another dog- just like I was helped. Maybe I should tell them my story and how many dogs are waiting? I’ll ask Mom that question. Now have lots of exploring to do on my farm so thanks everyone for helping me to never have to be in a pen again. Lots of love from your friend, Dawn