Dixie is a purebred female golden retriever. She is 11 months old and a typical growing puppy! Her former owners have a 10 year old golden and got Dixie as a little puppy from a breeder in Tennessee to be a companion to their older golden. They loved her very much but work all day but they quickly found out that this 11 month old pup couldn’t be left to her own devices like the 10 year old could. Yes, she chews and gets into mischief but who can be surprised at that? Isn’t that what all puppies do? Hopefully her new family will give her a little discipline and structure and help her get lots and lots of exercise. Once they met Dixie they could not wait to adopt her. They drove an hour to meet her and then another hour the next day to get her. Mom was so excited. She showed up with all kinds of goodies and surprised her grandkids with a road trip to pick up the new addition to the family! Dixie is overweight but is immediately enrolling in a Weight Watcher’s plan. Mom plans to bring Dixie to Adoption Day in the summer to show off her new bikini figure. Dixie will be an only child with a retired dad and a mom that will be retiring in June. Their past dogs went everywhere with them and Dixie will do the same. She will now live with a family that will give the exercise that she needs and the undivided attention that she deserves. She will also have the feline attention that she has always wanted. Dixie loves the cats!