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This is Stoney Dutch or “Duck” for short. Duck came into our program with his best friend Lil’Man. He has lived his entire life outdoors since he was 8 weeks old and had not been to a vet for two years. Duck was in terrible shape when we picked him up. He had so many ticks and fleas that our vet found him to be anemic. Duck was so weak and anemic that he was staggering. Duck had heartworms because he hadn’t been on heartworm preventative. Thankfully, Duck has been successfully treated and those worms are now dead. Duck loves baths and blankets and toys and now he has a forever home where he’ll have plenty of all those good things. Duck was adopted by a wonderful couple whose grandchildren are all out west and their dogs are ther babies. Duck now has 2 year old golden mix sister Meg who is just the greatest. Duck and Meg hit it off right away and Meg welcomed Duck to the family with open paws. Duck will finally get to enjoy a real golden life and there is nothing better than that!