Elsa is a young female Great Pyrenees that we saved from a local shelter. She was one day from being put down. She is a wonderful young dog with a great personality, she simply needed a forever home with a terrific family that she could give her heart. We promised her that we would find her one, and we always keep our promises. We just had to get rid of her heartworms first, and thanks to the Young family – Val (Sugar), Merlot, Maddie and Graham we were able to do it. Now she has a wonderful new home with a stay at home mom. Dad works but that what dad’s do – he’ll make plenty to time to love on his new girl. Elsa has 2 young children to help raise, Isabelle and Owen. They are 5 years old and 3 years old and GPs are wonderful with children. They’ll have a companion, guard dog and a big furry pillow on which to take a nap, all rolled in one.