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Fargo is a female Great Pyrenees who is estimated to be 1-2 years old. Fargo and her brother, Bismark were picked up in North Georgia as strays. We decided to see if they could become service dogs. Bismark passed and is in training but Fargo flunked out. She just wasn’t happy with all the other dogs in a kennel situation and was more interested in going for walks and exploring. So we brought her back in our program and she has now been adopted by a wonderful lady. Mom is thrilled to have Fargo in her life! Fargo is simply a big cuddle bug. Although she does keep mom on her toes – she is very curious and has already learned how to open the door and let herself out to explore. Fortunately, once her curious mind was settled she came right back home. We think she knows that life with mom is good! Now mom has to keep bungee cords around her French doors! Mom is a writer/illustrator – we think in no time we’ll be seeing children’s book with Fargo’s story and her sneaky escape tactics!