Meet Goose – a 2 year old purebred male golden. Goose is a red golden and absolutely beautiful. He lived most of his former life outdoors with little training. Now he will live the golden life. He has a terrific new family who know just what this boy needs – love, love, love. (Just what any golden needs). He’ll have mom and dad to nudge and a little 8 year old human brother to snuggle with and play with. As most rescues know, life can sometimes be hard, but this sweet boy will have a little help adjusting to the good life from his new feline housemates. His new feline siblings are also rescues so they know just how Goose feels. He’ll have lots of feline compassion and lots of help learning the ropes of family life. However, they are still cats so he’ll also have lots of kitty rules to follow. Life is certainly going to be good!