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This furry little guy is named Goose, he is almost 5 months old. He and his brother Moose came into our program some time ago but Goose hit a few speed bumps on his way to the good life. He was really sick and it took us some time and a lot of money to save him, but we did – this little fighter beat Parvo! Parvo is a really bad disease that young dogs can get that is really hard to beat and often times fatal. Fortunately for us and for his new family this sweet boy was determined to stay around. Goose now has everything he wanted. He has a great new mom and dad, and 3 young kids to love him. Mom stays at home so she’ll make sure Goose keeps up his training and dad will be around to take Goose for long walks. Goose’s life sure got off to a bumpy start, but with a family like this to love him it will only be smooth sailing from here!