Meet Gus Frack. He is an 18 month male golden mix who we rescued with his sister when he was a mere pup. We called them ‘Frick & Frack’. We don’t think they were brother and sister since Gus looks golden but Daisy looks like a golden spaniel mix. Initially, both were adopted by a couple with a young baby. Then a second baby arrived and the dogs were basically put outside and became very bored and would jump the short fence they had – what young, active golden wouldn’t want to explore? However, now Gus just wants to stay right with his new family. Gus has been adopted by a wonderful active couple. Mom and dad have no kids and for now, Gus is their only child. He’ll go for runs, long walks and also have lots of opportunities to snuggle. He’ll also have new canine buddies – one Golden and one Lab who belong to grandma and grandpa. It looks like Gus’s story is off to a happy beginning…