Everyone tells me to just forget about what it was like before I came to AGA. Those are not good times to remember and so that’s what I’m trying to do. I know I was too skinny and I never had any fun and once my leg got hurt and that made me walk a little funny. Then my new doctor found out I had heartworms. I thought, “what next?”. I wasn’t even one yet and could things get any worse? Well, after AGA rescued me a lady named Kathryn Gaddy was my next rescuer because she sent the money I needed for the medicine I needed to get rid of those worms. I was so surprised that a stranger would do that but they tell me that’s what angels do- even if you never met them. Now I have my very own mom. We have a big car and we’re going to go riding which I really like! Then we’ll stay in our home and play and make cookies and practice hugging. Remember when I first got here I told you I didn’t know how to do that? Well, I’m learning very quickly and nothing feels better. Thank you to everyone who helped me come home. Love, Hadley