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This is Hudson, a beautiful red male golden who is about 18 months old. He has been in a South Carolina shelter waiting and waiting to be adopted. No one came probably because he has heartworms. So he needed a sponsor to pay for his treatment ($500) and Christine and Gregory Armour sent us the money in memory of Lily, their beloved Golden who crossed the bridge. They told us they would normally spending this money on boarding fees for Lily and it was just the right thing to do this year. We are very grateful and Hudson is too. Now, Hudson is with his foster fighting his battle with heartworms – but he doesn’t seem to mind it. Especially now that he knows that this battle has helped to find his new home – right in the heart of his foster parents. Now Hudson has every reason to get well. Also, his New Year’s resolution is to never let a day go by without making sure his peeps know just how much he loves them. With his big golden heart we imagine he’ll have no trouble keeping it. We could certainly learn a lot from these guys, huh? Maybe that’s why they are called goldens – because their hearts are made of gold!