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Jazz is about 3 years old and he is Ellie’s best friend. Jazz and Ellie were turned into a shelter in Augusta. We drove to get them and found two beautiful dogs that were devoted to each other. We just had to find them a forever home together. Jazz was very watchful over Ellie and wouldn’t let her out of his site. So we promised them we would try. We were about to give up hope that someone would come and want them both. But a wonderful did. And, boy was it worth the wait! Jazz and Ellie are being treated like a prince and princess. They now live in Savannah in a beautiful home on the water (Jazz thinks it’s a palace) and Mom and Dad are retired so they are never lonely. In the summer, they get to fly to their home out west. Jazz is quite determined to get in shape for all the hiking and he can’t wait to meet the horses. (He loves the horse trainer.) Best of all, Jazz has Ellie right beside him. This story is a real life “they lived happily ever after story” and teaches us all never to give up hope. It is proof that good, kind people are alive and well. Just ask Jazz and Ellie. They will show you Mom and Dad.