Meet Kendall & Ranger. Kendall is a 12 year old golden with the sweet clown face that senior goldens get, and Ranger is her “brother”. Ranger is reportedly 12 years old as well, although he acts younger. Regardless, Ranger has been with Kendall all his life, and although he doesn’t look like a golden he certainly acts like one! A woman carried them to a vet to be put down. The vet told her to call us. Now these two are together where they will remain in their permanent foster home. Mom and dad both work so they’ll have one other to stay with while they’re away. They also have a 4 year old little boy to help raise and a new canine sibling named Jill who plans to keep on eye on them. Jill is a 3 year old Silkie Terrier who is happy to have canine companions. After a long bumpy road Kendall and Ranger are finally home.