BREAKING NEWS: In my life not much good has happened to me but now two amazing things have changed everything. First I got to be an AGA orphan and second, a real for sure angel sent money for my HW medicine. Her name is Agnieszka Wesolowski and she is so kind and generous that I can’t believe it!!!! Besides $750 she sent $250 for me to share with another dog who needs help.
I am a mostly golden retriever boy who is 4 years old. I ended up in an animal shelter. I was one of the lucky ones when AGA came and got me and made me one of their orphans. I am only 46 pounds so just the right size for a lap or a sit next to you on the sofa. The shelter folks said I was a very good, sweet boy, and they found out I have heartworms. I thought, “Oh, no – not that!” It’s a terrible thing to have. My most perfect dream to come true would be a healthy, happy life with a new family. Now I am crossing my paws it will happen! Thank you lots and lots from Killian