Kirby, a 2 year old, small, female golden, was brought to Adopt a Golden Atlanta when her owner became overwhelemed trying to juggle two small children with another on the way. Although Kirby is great with kids and lives to please, she wasn’t getting the attention and training she needed. WE had a family who was looking for a very special dog. Mom and Dad had a little, alpha corgi and it was clearly Mom’s dog. The 10 year old boy in the family was finally old enough to have his own dog and he looked and looked — for one that would get along with that little corgi and one who would be his best friend. Best of all, Mom was determined to find him his dog. So they came to adopotion day and looked and looked again. Then they saw Kirby. It was love at first sight but would Kirby allow Tanner, the corgi to be the King? Yep, cause Kirby got her boy! The end.