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Not long ago I just felt like giving up.  I was lost.  I remember some puppies I had, I had lost most of my pretty golden coat, my energy was all but gone and I was so tired.  I was not much more than a year or a year and a half old and my life seemed hopeless.  Then AGA found me, took me to a doctor and told me “You are not alone anymore”.  Sadly my doctor told us I had heartworms.  That happened because of being lost and the mosquitoes that lived in all the weeds.  They just bite you and leave heartworms and it’s terrible and you could die from it.  Thanks to all the donors and volunteers and people who want to help, I am feeling much better.  It costs $1,000 for special medicine to get rid of these awful worms.  I think my angel must be out there who can send the money to help pay for that medicine.  Please care about me and help me find a happy, healthy life.  From grateful Leona