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Lincoln, a male golden who is anywhere from 5 to 7 years old, was found in a K Mart shopping center near the garbage in a bad section of town. A kind woman found him and tried to find his owners. When the owners couldn’t be found, they called us. Lincoln was in good health. He looked like he has had a rough life since his bottom teeth are all worn away – a symptom of either eating rocks or chewing a steel chain. We prefer to think Lincoln was shopping at K Mart and he just had bad dental floss. He was a sweet boy. The vet said he was the best dog she had ever examined. He was gentle and kind. Lincoln has a beautiful copper colored coat and he glistens in the sun. Lincoln deserves a very special forever home and a shopping spree at Petsmart. We had a very special family who had been looking at our website for months searching for the right dog. Somehow we knew it was Lincoln. The family was a single mom and a 4 year old little boy. Dad had died unexpectedly and then their beloved old golden went in the backyard and laid down and died. They needed another golden in their lives. Mom came to meet Lincoln first and boy, did he put on the charm. He pawed her and then on command, he laid down, turned over and smiled. He passed with Mom but would he pass Mom’s test for her little boy? Lincoln couldn’t paw him and Lincoln didn’t seem to stop pawing to get petted. Mom brought the little boy to meet him. As soon as Lincoln saw Mom he ran over and sat and pawed her, again and again. Then he saw the little boy. He ran over, sat right in front of him and instead of pawing him, Lincoln laid down and turned over. It was like Lincoln could understand everything. So, suffice it to say, Lincoln has a new family. And, oh yes, Lincoln has a new name. It seems Lincoln’s new boy has a favorite singer – Johnny Cash. Yep, you guessed it. Meet Johnny Cash, the golden!