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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds or Lucy Sky for short is a 3 year old purebred female golden retriever. Her previous owner tearfully turned to us to find her a new home due to divorce. So we did. This sweet, lovable girl won everyone over in no time and her personality helped her wiggle her way right into the hearts of her new family. It was a true love match! She Sky now has an active home where Mom is a retired teacher and dad is an engineer. She also has 2 human brothers, one in the Army and the other in high school. Grandpa also visits at least once a month and can’t wait to meet Lucy. She will also have a Jack Russell/Dachshund Mix dog brother and 2 cat siblings. It’s a full house with lots of love! The family has wanted a golden for many years now, but have been waiting for the right time to devote to a new dog…now was the time!