I was raised to be a breeder dog but I decided that wasn’t the life for me. First of all I am just one year old. I think I’m still a kid. Don’t let my grown up size fool you. Goldens stay kids even after they look like they are not! Kids don’t need to be dad dogs. Too much responsibility and I am more into playing. Second, the girlfriend I was supposed to have didn’t like me. So, there you go! I am on the way, to being a family dog! I planned it all just exactly the way it has all turned out. The new people I’ve met so far say I am handsome and sweet. I haven’t had a lot of attention from people so I’m a little shy in this new life but once I get to know you I’ll let you rub my belly! That’s the signal that you are A-OK! I’ve decided, too, that I need a yard with a fence and a family that can teach me all the things a young dog should know. A big brother or sister dog would be fun too. Grown up dogs know lots of things that even people don’t know! Dog stuff that is secret! So, if you think I’d be a perfect, new boy in your family how about telling AGA that we should meet? I’m all packed and ready to go. Your pal, Max (still a “pup”)