Maximus or Maxie for short, is a very handsome 9 month old AKC boy. Zachary Christmas Maximus was born on Christmas Day, 2006. He is a typical puppy and is a delight to be around. His former owner had called the invisible fence company because Maximus was an outside dog and was breaking out. When the fence guy arrived he found Maxie on a chain in the backyard. The fence guy had a golden of his own and knew Maxie was not happy being outside (Goldens like to be inside with their people.) His owner admitted they had not done enough research on the golden breed and didn’t realize how much exercise they needed. His owner wanted to find Maxie a better home where he could get the attention he needed. The fence guy called us and we went and picked up this wonderful dog assuring his very sad owner we would find him a wonderful home. We did just that. Maxie loves other dogs and all people and is loving being inside the house. Maxie has been adopted by a wonderful active couple whose dogs are their children. Maxie will now be called CeeJay which is a better fit with Casey and Cubie- his two new doggie siblings. Casey is a 6 year old golden mix and Cubie is a 5 year old flat-coated retriever so CeeJay is the baby of the family. Life has never been so fun and CeeJay is enjoying every minute of it!