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Someone threw me away in the place called Turkey. Yep- I thought I was going for a nice ride and instead the people just pushed me out of the car. Well, I waited and waited and they didn’t come back. I guess I knew all along they wouldn’t. Wasn’t that a mean thing to do to a dog and especially to a half way grown up dog? I’m just about 6 months old. What does a half grown dog know about anything? Lucky for me the kind shelter people helped me. They even got me a ticket on a big airplane with other dogs that needed new homes and we all came to America. Now I have a real family and that includes mom and dad and a medium size kid brother and a brother dog. We are going to something called “lake”. It’s a big hole in the ground (I think some dogs dug it out) and then somebody filled it with water. Ahhhh- water–that should be my middle name because I love to swim and get baths and maybe someday mom and dad will find all those dogs and ask them to dig a big hole in my yard too so we can fill it up with water. I’m crossing my paws for that to happen. I heard I have to go to school too. I’m not sure what that is- I guess I’ll go ask my brother dog. But for now- thank you, thank you everyone for saving me. I know I’m just one little dog but everyone I met has made me feel so special. I was sponsored by Barbara and Robert Jones and their wonderful Golden Retriever Pack and that made me feel like I won first prize! Lots of love, Nathaniel