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This is Noble and she is a 9 month old purebred female Golden Retriever who was brought into a shelter in rural Georgia with her brother, Barnes. They were both so scared that they hugged the chain link on the shelter cage and wouldn’t let go. The shelter was very worried about them and called us to come quickly before they got so stressed that they would be in danger. We quickly got them out of there and Barnes almost immediately found a new home. Now it’s Noble’s turn. At adoption day she greeted each adoring subject with a kiss and a snuggle, but she waiting for just the right couple to come along before she decided to go home. Well they came and now she is home. Mom told dad they could get a dog as soon as he sold the Mustang. It was sold in record time. Now Miss Noble is now known as Shelby Knox, and has three human brothers to play with, as well as Andi the cat. She has a huge yard with a 6-foot fence so she can romp with the boys. When she’s done with that, Mom’s looking forward to snuggles, and we know Noble will oblige. Dad is a fire chief and will be bringing her to work with him. She’s planning to be the first non-Dalmatians to ride in the fire truck!