When I first came to AGA I came with my brothers Clooney and Blarney. Clooney and me are adopted now and we are wishing really hard for Blarney’s family to find him too because being adopted is what we all wanted. I have a new mom and dad and a boy who are all so good to me which is exactly the kind of people who can help me best not to be so shy. I also have a brother dog who was lonesome when his sister dog had to leave their family. He told me it was a very sad time for every one and he misses her. I hope I can help him feel happy again. Now he said he will take me under his leg and “teach me the ropes”. I don’t know why I have to learn about ropes? I’ll just have to take his word for it I guess. My friend Blackberry told me that girls rule in her house but here there are more boys. I thought that meant that boys rule here but my brother dog says “Nope”- Mom is in charge! That’s ok with me-I don’t mind a bit! Love to all my AGA friends and foster family. Paddy