Patrick, a cuddly 8-10 month old male golden retriever, was left behind when his owners up and moved. A wonderful neighbor took care of him until she found us. This photo makes him look so mature, but he’s all puppy. Luckily Patrick has found a forever home where he can grow old. Patrick was adopted by a wonderful couple who recently moved into a new home in South Carolina. The new house has a great big fenced in yard that is perfect for a dog. Patrick’s new mom is pregnant and in preparation for the baby Patrick is learning to be extra gentle, and has already been a big help around the house. Once the baby arrives mom will be a stay at home mom so Patrick and baby will get lots of extra attention. Dad is great too. He’s a dentist so Patrick is sure to have the cleanest doggie teeth on the block, not to mention good breath. Mom and dad owned goldens growing up but this is their first dog together. Patrick’s arrival marks a very special new beginning for this family. The beginning of a wonderful forever, complete with mom, dad, baby and golden- what could be better!