I think my curls made the difference. I found a mom and dad who are really into curly dogs and there I was, made to order! And they said the best part is that I’m sweet and friendly and will fit right into their family. I’m the 18 month old golden who found her way to AGA from a breeder. Now I also have a 13 year old dog sister (wow- that’s a great age) who met me and said she approved of my adoption. I think it was mostly up to her and that’s OK because it’s been her house a lot longer than it’s been mine. I am going to try my best to be a good friend to her. My new dad stays home to work so we’ll get lots of attention from him and when he’s too busy we’ll go out in our yard and play together. I like this home a lot! Thanks to everyone at AGA for making me a part of a new family. Love, Polly Wolly D.