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Ralph, an 18 month old male purebred golden, was brought to us by his owners. They had recently had a baby and realized they just couldn’t handle a newborn and a dog. Ralph wasn’t getting the attention he used to and the affection he deserved. So we found Ralph a wonderful new home where he will be showered with love and all the attention he could ask for. Ralph’s new house is right across the street from a big park so Ralph will be able to play and run around all the time. He has an older boy who’s in college, but he comes home often. And now that Ralph is around he is sure to stop by everyday. Ralph will also have a 9 year old boy to play fetch and wrestle with. He’s home every other weekend and Ralph is already looking forward to his next visit. Ralph also shares his new home with two cats, Milou and Maddox, and they get along great. Ralph is a lucky little guy to have so many people that care about him; but he is even luckier to have found such a great forever home for his golden locks to gray.