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When my other family left me behind it was a pretty scary and sad time for me. Now after being in my AGA foster home for a while, they have become my real family. That’s right- a whole new and a BIG family! First I have a mom and dad and five kids. Then I have two goldens (a boy and a girl) and one cat. My big brother dog is 15 and before I came he wasn’t having much fun. But I’m only 7 and I’m making sure that he and I get some playtime everyday. It’s good exercise for both of us and if our dog sister wants to play too- the more the merrier. When I was left behind, I couldn’t have imagined I’d find such a great family. But, even though they didn’t know it then that they were waiting for me it didn’t take them long to figure out that I belonged with them. So everybody squeezed over and made room. How’s that for a happy ending? I think I’m going to be living the life of that other Riley. Thank you for making that possible. Your friend, Riley