Please be happy for me because I have a new mom! There is just me and her and we give each other lots of attention and go on trips together and we are the best friends ever! I had a sister golden once but she went away and I never got to meet her. But I can tell she was here because her pictures are on the wall. Maybe I can have my picture up there next to hers one day. I used to be in another family but they didn’t give me much attention and so I ran away and dug holes and stuff like that because I was so bored. I think my new mom picked me because we have hair almost the same color. We are like twins! I am four but I don’t know how old she is- maybe she’s four too. First thing we will do together is go to the big ocean and the beach. You have to ride in the car to get there. Maybe I’ll try swimming. I don’t need a bathing suit. I hope all the other orphans can find new homes too- good luck to them! Love, Sadi ( but now with an “e”)