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Meet Simba – a happy, active 3 year old purebred male golden. Simba’s story is pretty sad for such a happy, go-lucky kind of guy. About a month ago, a car drove up to a vet’s office and a man went to the TRUNK. He opened it and took Simba out. He then left the dog at the vet. The vet took care of all his vaccines and medical care and waited for the man to return. They waited and waited. He never returned which is probably good because who in their right mind would put a dog in the trunk of a car? The wonderful vet office held onto him in hopes of finding him a home. But they realized Simba had a better chance of finding her new family through AGA. And, they were right. In fact, it took all of 2 days for Simba to find her forever home. A very nice lady who had a 3 year old female golden was looking for a male playmate for her. What luck, Simba was the perfect age and he was quite dashing so we knew both the lady and girl golden would go ‘gaw-gaw’ over him. Today, Simba has a new girl friend and a new Mom and a big goldfish pond he promised his new Mom never to go into to. Wonder if goldens keep their promises?