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Stonewall was a 3-4 year old blonde male golden who walked into someone’s yard and made himself at home. It was good that he picked an AGA volunteer’s home! After looking for his owners with no luck, Stonewall joined the AGA Orphan Club. Unfortunately this sweet boy had heartworms and needed a sponsor to pay for his heartworm treatment ($500). Thankfully, Jazz and Katie Ross, two rescued goldens who know what Stonewall is going through, came to his rescue. Mom is a decendent of Stonewall Jackson so it was pretty easy to steer Mom to Stonewall! Unfortunately, Stonewall was extremely aggressive over food and bit two people and attacked several dogs. We always work with dogs who have an issue with food while other animals are around but we must draw the line at aggressiveness with people. After a thourough evaluation by a trainer, Stonewall was judged to be unadoptable in any circumstance. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge where we hope he will find love and kindness.