Sunny, an 8 year old purebred male golden, had been turned in to us with his golden sister Charleigh. Sunny has bad ears so that’s why they are sorta sticking out in this photo. He had ear surgery and we needed to find him someone to love who wouldn’t mind keeping his ears cleaned everyday. We looked and looked. Sunny was in foster care for many months and the longer he was with us, the sweeter he became. We soon learned his favorite pasttime was snuggling but he also loved going for walks. We had wonderful fosters and Sunny was happy but we knew he longed for the one special person. Then it happened. She saw our website because she had lost her beloved golden a few months ago and felt she was needed to save an older golden who needed a home. She drove to Atlanta from Savannah. She met Sunny. It was a love connection… a special connection. It was meant to be. Sunny will be running along the beach and be in sunshine the rest of his life. What else for a dog named Sunny?