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No, he’s not a golden but how could we let this guy die? Trucker, a one year old purebred male Great Pyrenees, came into the program weighing 90 pounds, at least 20 pounds under weight. His owner took him to a kill shelter and said “he grew too big”. Duh! He seemed to have been kept on a chain outside. When we met him his coat had lots of mats around his neck and he was covered in red clay. This photo was taken prior to grooming. Like all Great Pyrenees, Trucker was one chilled out dude. With feet like lion paws and his signature stroll we knew Trucker would make a wonderful addition to a deserving family. But like all Great Pyrenees, Trucker was a bit standoffish — he just didn’t warm up to everybody (like a golden usually does). While at PetLodge, he met one woman who somehow clicked with him. When he saw her, he got excited. Funny, it only happened with her. And, this woman had worked at PetLodge for over 2 years and had never been so drawn to a dog as she was to Trucker. It was just a connection. This woman adopted Trucker…who is now Baloo and lives in the north Georgia mountains on 2 acres. He also gets to come to PetLodge and is taking group training and swim lessons. While at home, he watches the cat and sneaks in bed with Mom (thank goodness it is a king sized bed). Sweet dreams Trucker Baloo. Dreams do come true.