Meet Wiley, a gorgeous 3 year old purebred male golden retriever. He was posted on Craig’s list because his owner didn’t know where to turn. We answered the ad and she was very happy to turn Wiley over to AGA. His former owner is going through a divorce and is unable to care for Wiley on her own so we needed to find him a new home and family that could meet his needs. Now he has a mom, dad, 3 human siblings and 2 feline siblings. His human siblings are 18, 15 and 12 years of age. They will have no problems keeping Wiley entertained – of course Mom and dad will pitch in too. The kitties are still checking him out and while they are happy to accept him, they are – like all kitty cats – are plotting and scheming about what tricks to play on poor Wiley. His life is going to be one big, glorious adventure!