Golden Wyatt (Wyatt) – DOB May 15, 2004 (6 years old) A handsome, gentle, timid smaller dog, AKC but was rescued in 2005 by a breeder after being kicked almost to death. When Wyatt came to us he was fearful of large male dogs and large male humans. He naturally preferred females. When he got upset he would chase his tail in circles and chew on his tale and bark but we learned that cookies and petting calmed him. When the breeder decided to retire, she called us. She loved all her dogs and took very good care of them and wanted each one to spend their senior years in the comfort of a loving home. Now Wyatt will have his own bed, toys and lots of hugs and kisses daily in his new home. After lots of love and patience with his foster mom, Wyatt made amazing strides. Wyatt now has two kid brothers and a Mom and Dad that are committed to him getting the special attention that he needs to remain a confident Golden. He’ll enjoy all the spoils of family life without ever having to suffer at the hands (or feet) of uncaring people again.