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Dasha Bella Gracie

Lauren Genkinger

Mary Ann Green

Laura, Abby & Ashley Beck

Chris, Megan, Eli, Will & Andrew McCollum

Lucy's (Lake) 5-year Adoptaversary

Mark & Danielle McQuaid

Cindy & Buffy

Pam & Charlie MacPhaul

Cooper Pup

Yonca Agatan

Tucker (Cadbury TD7)

Elizabeth Pearce

Summer (FKA Sophie Pup) & Gulliver TD3 (FKA Fonzie)

My Beloved Bear

Cathy Maher

Monte Moose

Helen Ratcliffe

All AGA Volunteers


Morris & Susan Cowan

Sandi Berg

Jeanne Flaim

Rafer & Melissa Libby

Rafer Libby

Rafer Libby

Deb Shattuck

Dawn Marais

Erin Osterland


Curie TD16 aka Wylie Girl

Gerri Orr Miller

Wylie Bellaire

Pat & Melissa Libby

Taylor Juechter


Newman McNally

Jackson Whitelaw

Kentucky Jake (aka Jake the Wonderdog)

Rita Christopher

Madison Lanham

Rita Christopher App Team Director

John McCarty


Monte Moose


Tricycle & Friends

Murphy & Frosty

Winnie & Shadow

Traci Clay



Ella Carling's birthday

Chuck Knotts

Lauren Genkinger

The New England Patriots



Amy Weeks

Roy Nimtz

Kathy & Vincent Gallo

Piper Capps

Piper Capps

Nicky Lawrence

Christy Eckoff

Stephen Hood

Champ Lanning

Pete the Dog

Tucker Painter

Joy - AGA Permanent Foster

Laura, Abby & Ashley Beck

Chris, Megan, Eli, Will & AndrewMcCollum

Mary Ann Green

Jane High


Sugar Cookie Goldendoodle

Christy Eckoff

Biscuit (Cathy & John Purcell)

Duke & Duchess

All the volunteers at AGA that make this organization special

Lucky Ponder

Buddy (TD4 Haystack) & his friends

AGA President Lauren Genkinger for bringing our girl Honor Atlanta to our family

All McQuaid Goldens - Past, Present & Future!

Karen & Jay Garner

Mike & Ann McQuaid

Jerry & Gloria McQuaid

Martha & Lanny Reich

Mark McCord & Family

Margo Corey

Amy Works

Jim Nodar

Cathy Maher


John & Cindylu Brubaker

Yonca Agatan


Dr. E. C. Patterson

Nancy Porteous