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Nancy Ewing

Nancy Ewing

Jean Ann Scogin


Ron Wilde

Ron Wilde

Noradel & Randy Wilson

Nancy Ewing

Ginger Peet

Ginger Peet

Nancy Orr Ewing

My SEVA GRREAT goldens, Lacey and Lucy

Stella Morgan

Ronald Wilde, RIP

Ronald Wilde

Ron Wilde

Ron Wilde

Ron Wilde

Ronald Wilde

Ron Wilde

Ron Wilde


Ronald Wilde

Ron Wilde

Nancy Orr Ewing

Ronald Wilde

Ronald Wilde

Ron Wilde

Mary Kate Reese

Ivy Bradshaw

Daisy, Joey and Doby


Gracie (Cheerleader) TD 11

Our Golden Grady

Henry Nodar

Henry ( beloved pet of Jim and Catherine Nodar)

Our AGA rescues Maggie and Beckham

Maxine Million

Apache, Hobbes, Journee, and Tracer

Ivy Bradshaw

Sandy Jones

Henry Nodar c/o Jim and Catherine Nodar

Noradel Wilson

Barnaby and Zeus

Madison TD1

My sweet boy Oscar from Turkey

Michelle Senn, who loved these dogs and this organization so much.


Lexie Reetz


AGA Garland

Riley Gazaway

Cooper Jack Long

Annie Dickey

Rowdy Beless (AGA Howdy TD3)

AGA Marley Butler

Joyce Ellen Willet

Joyce Ellen Willett

Lulu McMillan

Annie Dickey

Fitzwater, Louie & Chap

Hallie and Ellie


Howard Shore

Cooper Jack Long

Laurel Parnell




Laurel Parnell

Calvin Zerkus

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Our very dear friend Sara Jean Davies

Karen Sawyer

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Barney Wise

Louie Israel

Howard Shore

Suzy Goot

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Perri Macchio

Pat McCarty

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore


Howard Shore

Howard Shore

Howard Shore