Finding a New Home for Your Golden
Sometimes, unfortunate circumstances dictate the need to find a new home for our pets. If you have a Golden Retriever and are considering finding a new home for your Golden, please do the following:
- Complete and submit the owner release form (click on bone below to take you to the form).
- Email us a recent picture of your Golden with his/her veterinary records to: needhome@ adoptagoldenatlanta.com. If email is not convenient you can fax records to us at 404-475-3095.
- You may also leave us a voicemail message by calling: 404-DOGLESS (404-364-5377). We will contact you promptly to discuss your situation and provide you with some solutions! Be assured that we are here to help you. We know that Golden Retriever rescue organizations are often filled to capacity with shelter dogs and have a waiting list for owners who must surrender their dogs. We do not want you to have to turn to a shelter, so please contact us!
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